Somerset Cottage Holidays Booking Form
I would like to confirm our reservation of One Fair Place or Far End Cottage.
(Please delete as appropriate)
between the dates of ................................... and ............................................
Name ....................................................................................................
Address .................................................................................................
Postcode / Zip code ............................................. Telephone ..........................
Email ...................................................................................................
Our party will consist of:
Name ............................................................... Age (if under eighteen).............
Name ............................................................... Age (if under eighteen).............
Name ............................................................... Age (if under eighteen).............
Name ............................................................... Age (if under eighteen).............
Name ............................................................... Age (if under eighteen).............
We will / will not need a travel cot. Have you arranged to bring a pet? ...................................
I confirm that the price is £ ......................... for the above booked period.
I enclose a 20% deposit of £...................... that I understand is non-refundable if the whole of
the above period is not let, in the event of a cancellation. (Please make cheques payable to
Mrs. A. A. Wright, and send to "Holly Lodge", 39 The Avenue, Crowthorne, Berkshire, RG45 6PB.)
This leaves a balance of £ .....................that I understand is payable at the latest two weeks
before the start of the holiday, and I understand that this balance in the event of a cancellation
may also be non-refundable if the cottage cannot be relet at short notice.
Signed ................................................. Date.................................
How did you find out about us? ..........................................................................